Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The face of Jesus over time

Hey guys! I found a website that includes different paintings/portraits/mosaics of what Jesus could potentially look like. These pictures are in chronological order according to the time period that they were painted/portrayed in. I think it's interesting to note that Jesus has changed slightly over time in these paintings. However, in most of these depictions, Jesus has a beard, brown curly hair, and a halo.

Here is the link!


  1. It seems that Jesus gets a little softer over time. He becomes more inviting and kind, rather than rigid and important looking. I was also surprised how early the "long haired" Jesus started. I'd love to further divide these pieces chronologically and according to whether they are paintings, portraits, or mosaics. How would that differ compared to when we look at the images altogether?

  2. This is a great resource Rachel. The only thing I would add is that many of the "images" Blum and Harvey talk about are left out, images that are not often thought of as being central to Christianity. I think Blum and Harvey are trying to push to think of Christianity as pretty complex.
