Thursday, April 28, 2016

Christian Tradition Notes April 28, 2016
Logan Kopchak
·       How is the color of Christ depicted?
o   Historically white, but that depiction was challenged over time
o   Very open to interpretation at this current time
o   Universal image
o   Is white Jesus bad?
§  Historically, yes
§  Not necessarily true now
§  Misuse of the image of white Jesus can be bad
o   Liberation theologies have clashing ideas because each community claims Christ identifies with that specific community
·       What is at stake for people/why does this matter?
o   What about us made us choose to portray Christ as white?
§  Historical, political, and social reasons for this
§  Visions of Christ depict him in certain ways
§  Individual, true experiences of Jesus
o   If Christ came for you, you would want him to identify with you
o   Helpful to understand Christ in your own terms
·       Christ in The Passion
o   Mel Gibson’s Christ
§  Gibson is a conservative Catholic
o   A white Christ
o   Not a historic account, but an experience
o   Viewing the film as brides of Christ
§  More connected to Jesus
§  Emotionally attached to the story
o   Carpenter Jesus = Muscular Christianity
§  Jesus as a man’s man
§  Someone who was a hard worker, physical labor
§  Jesus is ripped
o   Anxiety over the masculinity of Christ as one who has been beaten and defeated (covered by clothes on the cross)
o   Pieta (painting) is very similar to the ending scene when all of the people are holding Jesus’ body
o   Gibson uses many traditional images from the art of the passion narrative in the movie
§  Evokes Emmerich, traditional art, and passion narratives
o   Depictions of Jesus and the divine often highlight revered values within a society
o   Jesus’ Jewishness is never really present in the film
o   Women are there throughout the film, but not there at the end when Jesus comes out from the tomb
o   Lack of focus on his life
o   Lack of focus on his resurrection
o   The film is an important piece of Jesus’ overall life
·       Depiction of Herod
§  Historically, very Roman and masculine
§  In the movie, he wears eyeliner and a wig
§  Looks very feminine
·       Depiction of Satan
o   Feminine-looking
o   Creepily beautiful
o   Androgynous look and seductiveness symbolic of evil
o   Snake- relation to Eve?
§  Mary treads on the head of the snake
·       Pilate
o   Wife is present
o   Sympathetic to Jesus
o   Concerned about Jesus and wellbeing
o   Offered other prisoner to save Jesus, but the people want Jesus dead
o   Passive to guards and Jewish high priests
§  Negative portrayal of Jewish high priests
§  They are the “bad guys”
§  Always present throughout movie
§  Overdressed in opulent clothes all the time
·       Mary
o   Extremely strong in the movie
o   Tough looking; hair never shown
o   Mary is there every step of the way
§  In the Gospels, the women are just there at the end
o   Has flashbacks to when Jesus was younger and falling
·       John
o   Beloved disciple
o   When you recline to eat, 2 people would be on a couch would lay together
§  John is the one who rests against Jesus in the Gospel of John
o   Close relationship between the 2 (“bromance”)
·       Violence in the  movie
o   Excessively brutal
§  Would Jesus have even survived to the point of crucifixion
o   The point of the movie was to show how brutal Jesus’ suffering in order to capture the gravity of Jesus dying for sins
o   The gruesome nature of the film was also too much at some points
§  It took away from film because the gore was too gut-wrenching and nauseating
o   There is still a focus on the suffering, blood, and wounds of Jesus

§  Relates to people’s struggles in life because humanity is difficult sometimes

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