Thursday, April 28, 2016

Notes 4/28

Christian Traditions
April 28, 2016

·             We will be meeting for the final
·             Final is take home
·             Along the lines of the midterm
·             Option to write something more narratively
·             Two essays – three topics, pick two
·             Due on the day of the final
·             Thursday May 12 – 8:00 AM

Next Tuesday – posted on moodle – pentacostal and Quakerism – reading and watch video

How would you describe the color of Christ in America according to Harvey and Blum?
·             Black or White – hard to see him of a different race
·             Throughout history it changes
o   Fluid
·             Left up to the individual
·             Is white Jesus bad?
o   Not historically correct
o   Good or bad not about imaging of Christ
§  what is justified
§  Intentions behind the use of the image
·             MLK – white Christ, universal Christ
·             Overall understanding of Christ as white
·             Variety of ways that liberation theology used
o   Assumption of Christ as an idea - marginalized
o   Identifies with individual community
o   People want to identify with Christ
·             Historical, political, social – something at stake

Passion of the Christ
·             Mel Gibson uses Anne Katherine Emmerich vision and experience
·             Experience rather than directly historical
·             Emmerich – bride of Christ
o   View film as bride of Christ
§  Emotional appeal
·             Starts in the garden
·             Satan appears to Jesus
·             Muscular Christianity
o   YMCA
o   constructing Jesus as hyper masculine – mans man
·             flashback
o   invents the table
§  people ate laying down
o   carpenter
·             satan
o   woman with child
§  mary with jesus
o   androgynous image
§  seductive but covered up
o   tempting
o   snake like
o   mary steps on the snake in catholic tradition
§  mary is second eve
§  jesus crushes snake in the movie
·             gender
o   gender roles
o   mel Gibson – anxieties about masculinity
§  beaten body
o   satan as female
·             Mel Gibsons Bible
·             Historically – on T cross
·             Scenes that focus on implements of torture
o   flogging
·             Focus on Michelangelo’s La Pietá
o   Taking Jesus of the cross
·             Uses Emmerich, art, passion narrative (John)
o   Uses all the final words
§  First Mark
·             Depictions of divine often highlighting what is valued in a culture
o   Who’s in who’s out
·             Herod depiction
o   Historically – roman
o   Depicted as other
o   Eyeliner and wig – “Orientalizing”
o   Feminine view of Herod
·             Pilot
o   In movie cares about jesus welfare – less so in bible
o   Relationship with wife
o   Novel about conversion of Pilot
o   Sympathetic
o   Passive role
§  Toward jewish high priests
·             Anti-Semitic criticism
o   Priest identified as bad guys
·             Priest in garb – identified with temple
·             Don’t see the complexity of Jews in the movie
o   Mary quotes from Passover
o   Jewish followers not an obvious idea
·             Mary
o   Depicted as strong
o   Role as Jesus’s mother is highlighted
o   Cleaning up precious blood – relics
o   There throughout the whole event
·             John has special place in Jesus’s heart
o   Beloved disciple
·             Violence
o   Brutality unrealistic
§  Unable to carry the cross
·             Isn’t a normal human
o   The point is to feel the impact of the violence

o   Tying into the devotional aspect

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