Monday, April 4, 2016

Notes for 3/29/16 Sorry for the Delay!

Notes for 3/29/16
Dr. Brian Pennington
Christianity in India
1)    Caste System in India
a)     Came out of European colonization of India
b)    Reference to social systems of India
c)     This system does not exist in India, no single tradition corresponds
d)    Two ways for how we think about Caste
i)      Varna: 2,000 years old
(1)  Covering, color
(2)  Sacrifice of Cosmic Person: Purusha (person)
(a)   From his mouth came the Brahmans
(i)    Have authority to conduct rituals
(b)  From his forearm came Kshatriyas
(i)    Warriors/governers
(c)   Vaishyas from thigh
(i)    Merchants
(d)  Shudras
(i)    Servants
(e)   Jati
(i)    Kind, sort, genus
(ii)  ~3000
(iii) Marriage
(iv) Occupation
(v)  Commensality
(vi)  Determines occupation
(f)   Born into your caste
(g)   Can change their rank over time
(h)  Practices and occupation determine rank
(i)    Alcohol
(ii)  Dirty occupation
(i)    Today they are highly political states of being
(j)    Became more fixed during colonial period

2)    History of Christianity in India   
a)     Especially in two places
i)      South
ii)    Northeast
b)    Story that unfolds in southern two states
c)     Malabar and Coramendal Coast
d)    First Wave
i)      Christopher Columbus
ii)    Vasco Degamma (Portugese)
(1)  Catholic
3)    Christian groups in India today
a)     Roman Catholic: 17 Million
i)      Church of South India (Protestant): 3.8 Million
ii)    St. Thomas Christians: 1.9 million
iii)   Church of North India (Protestant) 1.25 million
iv)   Pentecostals: Less than 1 million but growing
(1)  Pentecostal Christianity
(a)   Book of Acts, after ascension, speaking in unknown languages
(b)  Faith healing
(c)   Speaking in tongues
(d)  Very visible in India
v)    (v) St. Thomas Tradition
(a)   Thomas arrived in Kerala (52 CE)
(b)  Converted Brahmins (Jews)
(c)   Martyred in Mylapore, Chennai (72 CE)
(d)  First historical mentions of Thomas tradition: mid-3rd century
(e)   Cathedral of Saint Thomas:
(i)    Basilica and Cathedral
(ii)  Tells story of martyrdom
(iii) Saint Thomas Mount
(iv) Tomb of Saint Thomas
(v)  Has become a place of pilgrimage
4)    Thomas Christians
a)     Thomas Christians were typically higher ranked
b)    Madurai: Temple site, important, large
5)    Francis Xavier 1506-1552:
a)     Co founder of Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
b)    Missionary to Portuguese Soldiers
c)     Successful conversion of Paravars (fishing caste)
d)    Most responsible with Christians being considered the lowest class
6)    Robert de Nobili 1577-1656
a)     Sent to Madurai
b)    Accommodationist strategy
c)     Lived as Brahmin
d)    Fifth Veda
e)     Caste is social
f)     Saw the difference between Europeans and the people of India, and developed the new strategy (Accommodationist Strategy)
g)     Had to convince Rome that caste was a social construct, not related to religion, paved the way for caste to be incorporated into Christian communities
7)    Lowest Caste
a)     Untouchables
b)    Harijan
c)     Dalit
d)    Scheduled Castes
8)    Protestant Missionary Age
a)     Society for Propagation of Christian Knowledge (1698)
b)    Society of Propogation of the Gospel (1701)
c)     Baptist Missionary Society
d)    William Carey and his Pandit
i)      Called for conversion of “heathens”
e)     Images of what conversion could look like
f)     Tamil Context: Self-Respect Movement
i)      Founder: E.V. Ramaswamy, aka Periyar
ii)    No inequality among people
iii)   Founding principle of all modern politics in Tamil Nadu
iv)   Dalit and non-Dalit activism

v)    B.R. Mebedkar: founder of contemporary dalit liberation movements

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