Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Class Notes 4/19

Joseph Smith
  • Founder of the Mormon tradition
  • Has a vision in the 1800s and describes Christ
    • Associated with brightness and light
    • Described Christ as white and with blue eyes over ten years of going back recounting the vision
  • Not an anomaly that he had a vision
    • Many people were having these visions at this time

  • During this time period Christ switches from light to white because whiteness is associated with purity (Mormon theology)
  • Curse of Ham
    • Genesis
    • Certain group of people are cursed and dark
  • In Mormon theology it was believed that Jesus comes to the Americas and preaches
    • Goes to two tribes and one tribe has lighter skin and one has darker skin
    • The light skin tribe accepts/listens to Him and the other tribe does not
  • Mormons believe African Americans cannot be saved
    • Change this belief in the 20th century
  • Mass production of Bibles and pictures of Christ
  • Pushing out of Native Americans to the West
    • Justify this through the white Christ
  • Image of Christ in New Mexico
    • Some push back of white Christ
    • Darkness becomes understanding of healing power
Passion Narratives
  • Mark 14-15
    • Garden of Gethsemane
    • Jesus praying
      • Asks God take away the cup unless this is what You want
      • Peter, John, and James sleeping
    • Jesus is arrested
      • Chief priests are accusing him
      • Pilate asks the crowd if he should release Jesus or Barabbas (a murderer)
      • Jesus is turned over to soldiers who dress him in a crown and purple robe (mock king) and flog him
      • Taken to Golgotha
      • When Jesus was on the cross darkness came over for three hours
      • Jesus cries out to God
        • “Why have You forsaken me?”
      • Centurion ends up being only one who realizes it is the son of God
      • Joseph wraps Jesus in linen and puts him in a tomb
  • John 18-19
    • More focus on Pilate
      • Wants Jesus to defend himself
    • Political threat
    • Breaking of the bones of the other criminals being crucified next to Jesus→ fulfillment
    • Blood and water
      • Rebirth
    • Jesus carries his own cross
    • Jesus is cool and collected on the cross
    • Last words→ “It is finished”
  • Luke 23
    • Highlights Jesus’ political threat
    • Pilate→ Herod→ Pilate
      • Pilate→ there’s no reason to kill him
      • Herod finds no guilt either
      • Major focus on innocence
    • Females are beating their breasts
      • Jesus comforts people on his way while he carries the cross

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