Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Notes!! :) April 5th

Christian Tradition Notes - April 5th

Banyan tree
  • grows up and down
  • metaphor for Christianity

  • saints
    • little s, refers to people who are faithful followers of Christ
    • sanctus- set apart
    • hagios- other, peculiar

Vernacular Xianity
  • we learn vernacular/dialect through living, family, geographic region
  • you can’t pick up a dialect just by visiting
  • way to tell insiders and outsiders apart: who KNOWS the vernacular
  • Leonard Primiano defines religion as “religion as it is lived: as human beings encounter, understand and interpret it.”
    • trying to think about religion not just in the big abstract way but trying to get at it how it is actually lived and practiced
  • There can be multiple vernaculars in one place
    • different shrines and caste groups with own religious center
    • semi similar to american neighborhoods and churches
    • authorities of certain religions are vernaculars: catholic church rules, baptist church ways
- (Goa: near Tamil, Francis Xavier goes to reform Portuguese)

Tamil saints:
    • dying a good death
    • lack of materialism
    • lack of attachment
      • social roles: ex. Tali (symbol of marriage), jewelry,
      • “as they were born, they need to be sent”
    • associating good with bad creates sainthood
      • ex. barber (low caste) divests dead of possessions/titles
  • functions of saints
    • intercessor: mediator
    • healing
    • you don’t have to go to the saint for their power to touch you
    • they come to you and demand worship (in positive or negative ways)
      • matted hair, other attention grabbing actions
  • people show worship through pilgrimages and offerings (flower garlands etc.)
  • earliest Saints were often Martyrs
    • once Xianity becomes legal, teachers, healers, intercessors, etc. are Saints
    • organic process: Saints are not made by the church, they are recognized
  • Padre Pio 1887-1968
    • has stigmata (first to have stigmata: St. Francis)
      • controversial saint
    • canonized 2002
    • model of suffering, had a lot of illnesses
  • Go to particular saints for particular issues and big Saints for big issues
  • blurring of lines between saints and Saints
    • household saints/deities : dead grandmother who was a really good woman etc.

Devotion of saints

  • St. Lucy: rings with eyes on them, paint pictures and associate prayers
    • pray to St. Lucy in Sicily, local saint, patron saint, vernacular saint

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