Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Sacred Harp Singing

Sacred Harp or Shape Note singing is a traditional form of hymn singing that emerged in colonial America in the 1700s and eventually made it's way to the South, where it flourished in churches during the 18th and 19th centuries.

The music is sung acapella and the singers sit or stand in a square and sing toward one another. 

Here's a recording of one song, "Present Joys," from 1924!

And here are the lyrics: We thank the Lord of heav’n and earth,
Who hath preserved us from our birth.


For present joys, for blessings past,
And for the hope of heav’n at last.

How shall we half our task fulfill?
We thank Thee for Thy mind and will.


Redeemed us oft from death and dread,
And with Thy gifts our table spread,

Source: <a href="">click here</a>

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