Friday, April 29, 2016

Eve's Redeemer

Our conversation in class yesterday reminded me of one of my pastor's favorite paintings. It's called Eve's Redeemer and it shows Mary counseling Eve and stomping on the head of a snake. It kind of reinforces what Dr. Huber said about how Jesus is the second Adam and Mary is the second Eve. 

"I'm so black Christian"

One of my friends on Facebook shared this video, which attempts to reconcile faith with socio-economic struggle and racism. I think this is especially appropriate right now with our reading on Pentecostalism being connected to African tradition. I think it is interesting all of the applause from the audience, showing the community present within the tradition, whereas I, a white Christian, miss many of the references. For once, I feel out of the loop and like an outsider.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

          During Dr. Robert Royalty's presentation a few weeks ago, I remember him mentioning that the Holy Land Experience theme park was tax exempt. It caught my attention because I thought: how could a theme park possibly be tax exempt? It turns out that in 2006, the theme park was able to gain the status of being exempt by taxes because it offered weekly services, had biblical text throughout the park, and etc. This notion of something religious, such as the Holy Land Experience, being tax exempt reminded me specifically of a clip from John Oliver's show (linked above) on HBO. In this portion of the show, John Oliver satirically points out the issues surrounding televangelists. All donations made are tax exempt because such programs are listed as religious non-profit institutions or churches. Preachers are able to make ridiculous amounts of money while putting it all towards personal uses, such as buying multiple jets or living in a 6.3 million dollar home. John Oliver even goes to the extent of creating his own church during the episode (here is an update from "Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption:" NOTE: he did eventually shut down this church after receiving some rather interesting things in the mail, some of which may be disgusting so consider yourself warned (
           What I first thought while watching this was: how can people throw away money to something so stupid? This video also provides insight into the challenges of running a government in which church and state are separate entities. However, this is a Christian Traditions class, and I think what this video does is challenge our notions of religion. In class, we discussed the possibility of the Holy Land Experience being a place of worship, and I think it is also important not to judge people's beliefs in televangelists like I first did. John Oliver tells the story of a woman who neglected paying for her cancer treatment and instead sent money to a televangelist. But how is this any different from Christian Scientists, people who believe in faith healing? Although televangelists may be exploiting their followers for the tax-free gains, the preaching of the prosperity gospel and seed faith are very real facets of Christian religions.
Christian Tradition Notes April 28, 2016
Logan Kopchak
·       How is the color of Christ depicted?
o   Historically white, but that depiction was challenged over time
o   Very open to interpretation at this current time
o   Universal image
o   Is white Jesus bad?
§  Historically, yes
§  Not necessarily true now
§  Misuse of the image of white Jesus can be bad
o   Liberation theologies have clashing ideas because each community claims Christ identifies with that specific community
·       What is at stake for people/why does this matter?
o   What about us made us choose to portray Christ as white?
§  Historical, political, and social reasons for this
§  Visions of Christ depict him in certain ways
§  Individual, true experiences of Jesus
o   If Christ came for you, you would want him to identify with you
o   Helpful to understand Christ in your own terms
·       Christ in The Passion
o   Mel Gibson’s Christ
§  Gibson is a conservative Catholic
o   A white Christ
o   Not a historic account, but an experience
o   Viewing the film as brides of Christ
§  More connected to Jesus
§  Emotionally attached to the story
o   Carpenter Jesus = Muscular Christianity
§  Jesus as a man’s man
§  Someone who was a hard worker, physical labor
§  Jesus is ripped
o   Anxiety over the masculinity of Christ as one who has been beaten and defeated (covered by clothes on the cross)
o   Pieta (painting) is very similar to the ending scene when all of the people are holding Jesus’ body
o   Gibson uses many traditional images from the art of the passion narrative in the movie
§  Evokes Emmerich, traditional art, and passion narratives
o   Depictions of Jesus and the divine often highlight revered values within a society
o   Jesus’ Jewishness is never really present in the film
o   Women are there throughout the film, but not there at the end when Jesus comes out from the tomb
o   Lack of focus on his life
o   Lack of focus on his resurrection
o   The film is an important piece of Jesus’ overall life
·       Depiction of Herod
§  Historically, very Roman and masculine
§  In the movie, he wears eyeliner and a wig
§  Looks very feminine
·       Depiction of Satan
o   Feminine-looking
o   Creepily beautiful
o   Androgynous look and seductiveness symbolic of evil
o   Snake- relation to Eve?
§  Mary treads on the head of the snake
·       Pilate
o   Wife is present
o   Sympathetic to Jesus
o   Concerned about Jesus and wellbeing
o   Offered other prisoner to save Jesus, but the people want Jesus dead
o   Passive to guards and Jewish high priests
§  Negative portrayal of Jewish high priests
§  They are the “bad guys”
§  Always present throughout movie
§  Overdressed in opulent clothes all the time
·       Mary
o   Extremely strong in the movie
o   Tough looking; hair never shown
o   Mary is there every step of the way
§  In the Gospels, the women are just there at the end
o   Has flashbacks to when Jesus was younger and falling
·       John
o   Beloved disciple
o   When you recline to eat, 2 people would be on a couch would lay together
§  John is the one who rests against Jesus in the Gospel of John
o   Close relationship between the 2 (“bromance”)
·       Violence in the  movie
o   Excessively brutal
§  Would Jesus have even survived to the point of crucifixion
o   The point of the movie was to show how brutal Jesus’ suffering in order to capture the gravity of Jesus dying for sins
o   The gruesome nature of the film was also too much at some points
§  It took away from film because the gore was too gut-wrenching and nauseating
o   There is still a focus on the suffering, blood, and wounds of Jesus

§  Relates to people’s struggles in life because humanity is difficult sometimes

Notes 4/28

Christian Traditions
April 28, 2016

·             We will be meeting for the final
·             Final is take home
·             Along the lines of the midterm
·             Option to write something more narratively
·             Two essays – three topics, pick two
·             Due on the day of the final
·             Thursday May 12 – 8:00 AM

Next Tuesday – posted on moodle – pentacostal and Quakerism – reading and watch video

How would you describe the color of Christ in America according to Harvey and Blum?
·             Black or White – hard to see him of a different race
·             Throughout history it changes
o   Fluid
·             Left up to the individual
·             Is white Jesus bad?
o   Not historically correct
o   Good or bad not about imaging of Christ
§  what is justified
§  Intentions behind the use of the image
·             MLK – white Christ, universal Christ
·             Overall understanding of Christ as white
·             Variety of ways that liberation theology used
o   Assumption of Christ as an idea - marginalized
o   Identifies with individual community
o   People want to identify with Christ
·             Historical, political, social – something at stake

Passion of the Christ
·             Mel Gibson uses Anne Katherine Emmerich vision and experience
·             Experience rather than directly historical
·             Emmerich – bride of Christ
o   View film as bride of Christ
§  Emotional appeal
·             Starts in the garden
·             Satan appears to Jesus
·             Muscular Christianity
o   YMCA
o   constructing Jesus as hyper masculine – mans man
·             flashback
o   invents the table
§  people ate laying down
o   carpenter
·             satan
o   woman with child
§  mary with jesus
o   androgynous image
§  seductive but covered up
o   tempting
o   snake like
o   mary steps on the snake in catholic tradition
§  mary is second eve
§  jesus crushes snake in the movie
·             gender
o   gender roles
o   mel Gibson – anxieties about masculinity
§  beaten body
o   satan as female
·             Mel Gibsons Bible
·             Historically – on T cross
·             Scenes that focus on implements of torture
o   flogging
·             Focus on Michelangelo’s La Pietá
o   Taking Jesus of the cross
·             Uses Emmerich, art, passion narrative (John)
o   Uses all the final words
§  First Mark
·             Depictions of divine often highlighting what is valued in a culture
o   Who’s in who’s out
·             Herod depiction
o   Historically – roman
o   Depicted as other
o   Eyeliner and wig – “Orientalizing”
o   Feminine view of Herod
·             Pilot
o   In movie cares about jesus welfare – less so in bible
o   Relationship with wife
o   Novel about conversion of Pilot
o   Sympathetic
o   Passive role
§  Toward jewish high priests
·             Anti-Semitic criticism
o   Priest identified as bad guys
·             Priest in garb – identified with temple
·             Don’t see the complexity of Jews in the movie
o   Mary quotes from Passover
o   Jewish followers not an obvious idea
·             Mary
o   Depicted as strong
o   Role as Jesus’s mother is highlighted
o   Cleaning up precious blood – relics
o   There throughout the whole event
·             John has special place in Jesus’s heart
o   Beloved disciple
·             Violence
o   Brutality unrealistic
§  Unable to carry the cross
·             Isn’t a normal human
o   The point is to feel the impact of the violence

o   Tying into the devotional aspect