Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Ark Encounter

We've been talking about the Holy Land Experience in Florida; however, I think it's also interesting to see the other exhibits that exist around the US. Recently, I stumbled upon an exhibit that is being constructed and will be completed in July 2016 called The Ark Encounter.

In Kentucky, you will be able to tour through a life size replica of Noah's Ark from Genesis in the Bible. I highly recommend checking it out in the link below. The website lists cool facts about Noah's ark. For instance, did you know that the ark was big enough that three space shuttles, nose to tail, on the Ark's roof? The attraction states that this will be the largest timber frame building in the world...isn't that impressive? There's also a creation museum that you can visit that has animals and dinosaur exhibits!


  1. I've heard about this. The museum will likely offer a Christian fundamentalist understanding of creation, an understanding that takes the biblical text as an account of how the universe, humanity, animals, etc. came to be.

  2. I've heard about this. The museum will likely offer a Christian fundamentalist understanding of creation, an understanding that takes the biblical text as an account of how the universe, humanity, animals, etc. came to be.
