Saturday, March 12, 2016

Trinity Broadcasting Network

After learning about the Holy Land Experience, I thought it would be interesting to read about the Trinity Broadcasting Network.  I found their schedule ( and noticed that a lot of the shows are geared towards children.  I personally think that "Davey and Goliath" looks very interesting.  The descriptions of these shows remind me a lot of PBS Kids.  I know that media influences us from a young age, so I'm wondering what people think about these types of Bible based children's shows.  Just curious!


  1. I remember watching Veggie Tales a few times as a kid, and going back and watching a few clips on Youtube makes me remember that it's actually a pretty entertaining show, as far as children's shows go. There definitely is a pretty heavy evangelical message, but the show doesn't come across as preachy or judgmental from what I've seen. It's basically just a bunch of talking vegetables acting out Biblical scenes, dropping pop culture references, and giving life advice to young kids. From what I've seen, the show tends to shy away from more controversial issues like gay marriage and abortion, probably because the subject matter wouldn't be suitable for the general age of the primary audience.

    I'm not religious, but I don't have an issue with shows like that being aired. They seem to highlight the more positive aspects of the Christian religion, and the overall mission of the shows seems to be encouraging young kids to be better people.

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