Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Notes 02.25.16 

My apologies for the delay. 

©=connected or connection
HS=Holy Spirit
{  }=artist/author

·      Change in baptismal function from 2nd temple cxtàxian cixt
o   Ritual purification gives rise to moral purification
Roman Bathing Traditions
·      *Jews do still practice Roman bathing practices
·      Every Roman city had at least one public bath (also private home baths)
·      àpublic bathing: social & religious event
o   business deals
o   political deals
o   social connections
o   like Linked-In, but in person and in the nude
·      Access
o   Very inexpensive
o   Large communities would have multiples at different prices, class divisions
o   At some time periods there is mixed gender bathing, at others there is a gendered time or physical division 
§  More associated with masculinity and cultivating masculine identity b/c simply not as interested in “the feminine” as many are today
·      Religious f(x)
o   Sacrifices to particular gods
o   speakers
·      hygiene is emphasized in the Roman world as a way to cultivate virtue (smelly people are bad people)
o   by bathing one makes oneself more virtuous (physical and moral interconnectedness in the Roman understanding ©Xians: spiritual and physical selves)
·      Gymnasium connected to baths
o   Men cultivate honor, strength and courage @ gym
·      Bath building
o   Bathe
o   Workout @ gym
o   Classrooms àfeeding the mind via classes and speakers
o   Libraries
·      Layout
o   Ritual practice of going through the bath: based on best practices, health, & hygiene
o   Bathe after business day has ended and before the main meal
·      How to bathe: a convenient guide [Bath of Caracalla]
o   Enter through the main entrance
o   Changing room –take clothes off
o   Oil up and work out in Gym, outdoor exercise area ©anointing with oil ©messiah
§  Idea the X is an anointed one is odd to the Romans because everyone gets anointed in the gym
o   Classes perhaps
o   Swim
o   Cold bath
o   Warm bath (calidarium)
o   Hot bath (Tepidarium)
·      Heating up:
o   Hypocaust systems—steam is generated outside the building and pumped underneath the floor (which is elevated by brick pillars)
o   Heated from below and maybe sides as well
·      Roman identity
o   Communal identity constructed through this ritual ©Durkheim
·      Cultivating Virtue
o   Particularly virtuous people (read: rich philanthropists) will have memorials set up throughout the baths with sculpture and inscriptio
§  =someone you should emulate, b/c they are more virtuous than you
Thinking about this in © to Early xian baptistery (4th-6th c.)
·      Baptistery ©ed to St. John Lateran in Rome
·      Located next to a Ch, not inside as a way to keep cathecumens separate from the in-group b/c they are not yet xians
·      Earliese xians met in house Chs (converted homes)
·      Purpose-built Chs begin to be built under Constantine (4th c.)
o   Constantine also donates certain buildings to be converted into churches Basilicas(=public works buildings)
§  Basilica architectural plan becomes dominant Ch layout
·      Baptisteries tend to be round and octagonal
Similarities b/t baptism and bathing in the Roman world:
·      Purification of physical body and virtue/soul
·      Naked/nude
·      Anointing with oil
o   ©athlete as metaphor for cathecumen àbattle b/t good and evil
·      in-group identity formation
o   Xian baptism is a one time deal
o   Roman bathing is continual 
·      Ritualized action
o   Cathecumens have sponsor who goes through the process with them, reliving the sponsor’s baptism through repetitive ritualized action
·      Xian baptism isn’t public knowledge àhence whispers
o   Baptismal kiss has people like WHAT
o   Familial language is confusing to outsiders—accused of incest
·      Clarification: these two phenomena are not the same but some of the logic carries over in helping us understand
·      More similarities b/t roman rites than jwsh ones b/c xianity quickly becomes a gentile mvmt more than a jwsh one

Metaphors for cathecumens: Xians appropriating cultural tropes
*many of these also signal Xian identity in general in funerary art and what have you
·      Athletes
·      Soldiers
·      Fishàtradition of J telling disciples to ”fish for people” ©Hildegard of Bingen: womb of church like a net with people going in and out àfurther © to baptism: womb and church as mother of faithful children
·      Lamb àpart of flock, J as good shepherd
o   Priests talked about as shepherds of flock (Bishops in Catholic tradition carries a crook)
o   Young X: no beard, ideal of time period (roman athlete)
·      Citizenà becoming part of a new people/group
o   Signing a register is the first step of baptism
·      Heirs (of the kingdom of heaven)

Functions of baptism
·      Ensure salvation
·      Ontological shift—a shift in being (ontology=”beingness”)
o   Unsavedàsaved, impureàpure, in sinànot in sin
·      You are literally reborn—death of sin
·      Dying & rising w/ X
·      Reversal of original sin
Risks associated with baptism
·      you’re more susceptible to demon possession in water
·      also when you’re a cathecumen the negative forces may be more interested in you
·      how many times can you be baptized? Some set it at 2.
·      Social risk: joining this cmty you leave another behind (not that you have no © to them, but it is very different) you are now adopted into the new group
o   Possibility of social isolation and disconnection from your past and biological family
o   Head of household likely encourages the rest of the fam to join
o   There may also be familial divisions
·      *xianity is not the predominant tradition at this time

© b/t Baptism and X’s death
·      Paul (writes earliest) Romans 6 (60s CE)
·      Baptism is synonymous with X’s death
o   Understood as literally dying w/ X and rising with him (through the physical experience)
·      5th C. baptistery(building) & baptismal font (pool)
o   cross shape
o   looks like a grave
o   3 steps down—©Jesus in tomb 3 days before rising, ©trinity
o   full immersion in water (burial by water)—visceral experience
o   walk out the other side: into and out of the grave ©mikvah
§  enter impure and exit pure
·      font associated with grave & womb à death & rebirth
·      San Giovanni’s Baptistery ceiling in Naples
o   Chi-rho=sign of X
o   Alpha & omega: beginning and end
o   Hand with crown = hand of G giving crown to X (and also the one who is being baptized ©athletes get wreath crowns as major prize *also associated w/ Xian martyrs
o   Around main circle, stories of water: well, wateràwine
§  All stories allude to h2o thus alluding to baptism and are being relayed to you as you come out of the water
·      Arian Baptistry, Ravenna
o   Martyrs
§  Baptized in blood
o   You are being baptized in water and coming into this community
o   Also being baptized w/ brothers and sisters in X, which include martys
o   *cosmic community “community of saints”/”cloud of witnesses” (Acts)
§  cmty lives on after the physical body dies
o   seeing cmty welcoming you w/ their crowns

Questions to ponder:
Infant baptism—how to assess seriousness (does age of baptism matter?)

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