Thursday, March 10, 2016

3/3 Xian traditions notes

3/3 Xian traditions notes.

Pilgrimage - journey to holy site.
Pilgrims bought chachkies? (souvenirs)

Greek Orthodox Baptism video
repudiate the devil?
nicene creed
incense + bells
Sponsor recites creed on behalf of child (not in sanctuary)
Starts in narthex
rejection of Satan
removal of child’s clothes/ vulnerability/ state of birth / closeness to waters and Christ
blessing of font and water
blessing of oil (Chrismation)
oiled so the devil cannot hold you
actual baptism
People crossing themselves
censing - purify the space - evokes ancient tradition - smoke is prayer of saint
sponsors in control as opposed to parents (responsibility to the child's christian life)
family witnesses baptism (little things to show witness)
White clothing new life and purity.
Necessary for salvation in this tradition
Also allows her to participate in other sacraments

Sacrament was originally sacred rite of swearing allegiance to an emperor
Early xians adopted term as swearing allegiance to X

7 sacraments
Extreme unction
Some churches do not use sacraments
Sometimes they use ordinances (outward displays

In some Baptist traditions baptism is more of an outward symbol to the community about your faith.