Tuesday, March 15, 2016

March 3rd Notes, (sorry for the delay)

Sorry this is so late, had so much trouble getting onto the blog.

March 3rd Notes,

As early as the 4th century, there are reports of early Christian Pilgrimages to sites where Jesus Christ went.

Greek Orthodox Baptism:
  • Big family event
  • Reciting the Nicene Creed
  • Acknowledges the baptism as a forgiveness of sins
  • A lot of Greek chanting
  • Priest recites prayers
  • Baby is blessed and covered in oil
  • Baby is then bathed in the holy water
  • More chanting and prayer reciting

  • Sponsor recites creed on behalf of the child
  • Rejection of Satan and acceptance of Christ
  • Starts in narthex
  • Signifies a new life, (out with the old, in with the new)
  • Disrobing so there is nothing between child and the water
  • Shows vulnerability by being naked
  • New garment represents taking and shutting off sin
  • Baptismal font is blessed and so is the water inside it
  • Blessing of oil and putting on the oil (Chrismation- separate sacrament)
  • Actual Baptism
  • People are blessing themselves all throughout the ceremony
  • Use of incense throughout the process to purify the space
    • People’s prayers for the child are going up to God through the incense
  • Sponsor is more in charge of the ceremony than the parents are
    • takes responsibility of raising the child in the Christian traditions
  • Congregation is present, but the ceremony is about the child instead of them
  • Every distraction does not seem sacred, but it is made sacred through the incense, crossing, etc.
  • Baptism is necessary for salvation and for participation in other sacraments

  • Cleanses sin
  • Initiation into church
  • Allows sacraments

Sacrament: describes rituals in which early Christians are pledging their allegiance to God
  • Catholic- 7 (all sacraments are necessary for the church, but not every person needs to fulfill every sacrament)
    • Baptism
    • Holy Communion
    • Confirmation
    • Confession
    • Ordination
    • Marriage
    • Extreme Unction
  • Orthodox- no set number of sacraments, but include:
    • Baptism
    • Chrismation( confirmation)
    • Confession
    • Marriage
    • Holy Orders
    • Holy Unction
    • Eucharist
  • Lutherans- 2
    • Eucharist/Communion
    • Baptism
  • United Methodist
    • Baptism
    • Lord’s Supper
    • Ordinances: formal acts, but not necessary for salvation as the sacraments are in the Catholic Church

  • Baptist/Evangelical
    • Obedience
    • Symbol of decision
    • Memorial of Christ’s death

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