Monday, March 14, 2016

Pope Francis' Three Year Anniversary

Yesterday was the three year anniversary of Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio being named Pope. Here are some of his quotes. Click HERE for more.

1 comment:

  1. As a Catholic, I really appreciate all that Pope Francis has already done so far in his short time as Pope. He has really taken on his role as leader of the Church and exemplifies what it means to be a follower of Christ. One of the titles associated with the Pope is "servant of the servants of God," meaning we are all servants of God and he is a servant to us. I think he has taken on this particular title extremely well with how insistent he is on visiting the sick, poor, and marginalized all over the world. He is an example to all Christians of how to act and how to treat others with love and respect. I look forward to seeing what else he accomplishes during his papacy!
