Thursday, March 3, 2016

Class Notes for Thursday, March 3

Christian Traditions Notes
Thursday, March 3, 2016

·         The guest speaker Tuesday will focus on Christian themed parks and pilgrimage sites in the United States
·         Video on baptism in the Greek Orthodox Church
o   The priest asks the sponsor/godfather if he repudiates the devil
o   Godfather recites the Nicene Creed to assert belief in baptism and Christ
§  done on behalf of the child
§  occurs in a narthex (entrance to the church; not in the sanctuary)
§  Enters the sanctuary after: going from one place to another signifies the end of her old life and then entrance into a new life…entering a new community
o   The child is disrobed
§  Nothing in between the baby and water
§  Ready to be born again: back to this state
§  Child is vulnerable and ready to accept Christ
§  Symbolic of shedding sin
o   The baptismal font and water are blessed
o   Blessing of the oil: chrismation (separate sacrament in Greek Orthodox Church that is always done with baptism but has own special significance)
§  Oiling of the body connects to the athlete: the opponent cannot hold onto the athlete, just like the devil and sin cannot hold onto the child…the oil is a protective force
o   Baptism occurs
o   Throughout the ceremony, there is crossing of the child…sign of the cross is marked on her body and also on the water; everything is being blessed and protected
o   Incense used constantly
§  Purifies the space
§  Evokes and preserves ancient Christian tradition
§  Makes the space ritually pure to create sense of sacredness and specialness
§  Connects to the Book of Revelation
§  Bells are important to emphasize that it is a different and sacred place (sounds different, smells different, etc.)
o   The sponsors take on the responsibility for the child and play a more important role in the service than the actual parents
§  The parents still have the obligation to care for the child, but the godparent has a larger role
§  Child born into spiritual family and not just biological family, so sponsor represents this
o   Family present at the service
§  All witnesses to the sacrament
§  Ribbons express that they were present at the baptism
§  Not paying attention: side conservation, taking pictures, distracted, bored…rude and disrespectful during sacrament…not directly involved in the sacrament; have a role to play but not about them specifically
o   Importance: cleanses from sin, makes her member of the church, vital for salvation, enables her to participate in other sacraments also necessary for salvation
·         Sacraments: sacred or holy acts
o   Catholic Church has 7 sacraments: Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation (receive Holy Spirit, learn about traditions, seen as adult in the Church), Ordination (when someone becomes a priest), Matrimony, and Extreme Unction (Anointing of the Sick)
o   Orthodox Church also recognizes these 7 sacraments but chrismation instead of confirmation
o   Lutheran Church: sacraments not necessarily needed for salvation and also must be outward signs
o   United Methodist Church and Southern Baptists: sacraments are symbols…two sacraments – Baptism and Lord’s Supper (more of a personal decision; pledge to the community)
§  Southern Baptist: act of obedience; memorialize life and death of Christ; signaling to self a change in time; can be baptized more than once; baptism is symbolic of conversion or internal decision (accepting Christ into life)
o   Important to be baptized as a child to be raised in the Church, be members for entire life, eliminate Original Sin as soon as possible (social and sacramental reasons)
·         How these different baptisms align with ancient traditions
o   Catholic: very similar with cleansing and representing death and resurrection
o   Southern Baptist: only a symbol
·        Becoming part of a tradition based on community in many traditions; more of a social movement that shapes the decision
o   Decision made through confirmation but in a way made for the individual
·        Similarities in baptism in different religions
o   Renouncing sin
o   Rebirth and rejection of old and sinful life
o   Being brought into the church as a new member
o   All use water as sign of purification or a purifying agent
o   Include biblical evidence to justify claims
o   Connection to Easter
o   Symbol of what is to come (looks forward to new birth and back to Christ as a model)
o   Presence of the Holy Spirit
o   For the most part, anyone can be baptized
·        Differences
o   Whether it is necessary for salvation or not
o   Presence of sponsor (not needed in Baptist Church)

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