Thursday, February 4, 2016

Xenia's Notes from 2/4

2/4/2016 Notes Christian Traditions

Learn BOLDED dates.(moodle)
*Year 70 destruction of Jerusalem temple. -> memorize
Identify Places on a map (moodle)
Annotate places on a map for 2 participation points.
Know about Constantine!!

----Acts, Messiahs, and Early Christianity----

The Emergence of Christian Traditions in the first century CE

Earliest movement of Christianity sometimes called “The Way” we are unsure of when followers became called Christians in first century.

Earliest movement comes out of Second Temple Judaism Earliest Christians adopt the idea that religion is how you "walk" the world.

Second Temple Judaism 6th century BCE -> 1st Century CE
Characterized by the spread of Hellenism throughout the Mediterranean and Near East.
After destruction of first Temple
Hasmoneans rule during this time
Many rulers during this long time period
Persian, Hellenistic, Jewish, Roman

Hellenism -The spread of Greek culture
Alexander the Great
Lover of all things Greek
4th century BCE
Conquers much of Macedonia and Near east
Advocate of Hellenism
Uses Koine Greek as language (Common)
Koine is the language of New Testament
Spreads Religion and culture
and synchronism (The blending of religions)
Diaspora - The Dispersion of Jews
1 Maccabees - Written in Greek
Historical account of what happens after Alexander’s death
Antiochus - described as “sinful roots”
Jews taking “Gentile” customs
Building Gymnasium
Throwing away of unique Jewish Identity
Removing the marks of circumcision
Variety of ways Jews are responding to Hellenism
Some Embracing Hellenism
Some Rejecting
-Embrace of Torah-Pharisaic / Rabbinic Judaism
-Apocalypticism / Messianism  
Apocalypse - To remove a veil
Apocalyptic texts - Show how bad things have become, God will come to fix things.
Messianism - Relates to messiah / the idea of being a saviour
Messiah - Anointed one (No necessary connotation to divinity or humanity)
Gets translated in Greek as Christos and becomes             . title
  1. Prophetic - Someone who calls people to reform John the Baptist
  2. Royal - David
  3. Priestly
^ All ways of understanding a Messiah
Gospel Writers- Wrote books about Jesus
Romans are in power in 1st century CE
Jesus doesn’t overthrow kings, He gets Crucified
Jesus not the only Messianic figure.
Many Jews at this time uninterested in a Messiah
Josephus -  best source of Jewish history

--Book of Acts
Two volumes
Second volume of Luke
Movement from Jerusalem to”ends of the world”
Ends with Paul  going to Rome
Probably written after destruction of jewish temple around 80 or 90
Jesus dies around ~ 33
Narrative with certain authorial perspective
Unfolding of earliest Christian narrative
Argument has to be made as Jesus is crucified. -Acts 5:30 -32
This argument is based upon re-reading of particular text:
Messiah like David: Acts 2:22 -36
Messiah like Moses: Acts 3:11-26

Torah Law
Neviim Prophets
Ketuvium Writings

Acts uses Psalms and Prophets to argue for Jesus as Messiah

Jesus is killed by those outside law, or Torah (Romans)
David understood as author of many of the Psalms
Acts claims Jesus fits every type of Messiah

Tanak -> Learn

Early christian community is apocalyptic, charismatic, and communal.

Charismatic - Having gifts

Pentecost - Jesus leaves and the spirit comes down into the followers.

Earliest movements understand Jewish texts, go to Temple and synagogues.

Cornelius - centurion and gentile who joins movement.

Movement quickly spreads to gentiles

Luke offers a positive view of diversity of views among earliest Christians, many conflicting perspective.

Paul -  most prolific early christian author
Jew, Persecutes early followers of christ
Writes in 50 - 60
1 Thessalonians - earliest Christian writings.
Claims he takes the movement to the gentiles not Peter.

Contradicted by Acts

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting such thorough notes and so promptly!
