Thursday, February 25, 2016

Notes 2/25/2016

Christian Traditions

Phoenix – symbolizes rebirth – baptism

Second Temple period – bathing was ritual cleansing rather than cleansing of sin
Early Christians – Jesus baptized for repentance of sin – question why he would need this

Roman Bathing
·             Public bathing
o   Very important in roman culture
·             Hygiene as an avenue for cultivating virtue
o   Hygiene very important – related to your virtue
o   Making yourself more virtuous
o   Use models and inscriptions – virtues you are supposed to have
o    Virtuous if you give money to community
·             Often have gymnasiums connected to the bath
o   Men taught to cultivate honor, strength, courage
·             Bathing as an important social and religious event
o   Engage with other people in social groups
o   Where business, political, social connections occur
·             Importance of bathing as ritual action
o   Bathing before the main meal in the late-afternoon
·             Jews also practice Roman Bathing
·             Bath – Ancient Roman City
·             Bath complexes very large
o   Have classrooms for lectures, speakers
§  Feeding the mind as well
o   Sometimes have libraries
o   Men will have junior high schooling at the baths
·             Constructing communal identities
·             Made accessible to wide range of people from different classes
o   Penny or half-penny
·             Baths are class specific
o   Nicer baths for higher classes
·             Religion part of the bathing experience
·             Probably young men are 12-13
·             Some periods of roman history there is mixed gender bathing
o   Other times in history, separate baths or separate times
·             Baths associated with masculinity
·             Baths of Caracalla – one of the biggest baths in Rome
·             Ritual: Go to the gym ® pool ® cold bath ® tepid bath ® hot  bath
·             Anointed with oil
o   Jesus – “anointed one”
·             Go to the gym to form your mind
o   Some more into the physical aspects than the mental side of the gym
·             Hypocaust
o   System in which steam pumped under the floor
o   Heated from below and from the sides
·             Can still go to roman baths today in turkey
·             Slaves or hired people to stoke fires
·             Women are porous or cold
·             Caldarium – hot room
o   Like a sauna

·             St John Lateran – one of the oldest baptisteries
o   Baptisteries next to church
o   Baptism brings you into church – so you don’t go in until you are baptized
·             Houses turned into worship spaces
·             Constantine – first emperor to allow Christianity
o   Purpose built churches
§  Baptism
·             Basilica – public building
o   Converted into churches
·             Baptisteries round and octagonal

What are the similarities between baptism and bathing in the Roman world?
·             Both done for cleansing and purifying purposes
·             Naked or nude
·             Anointing – athlete, soldier – battle of good and evil
·             Initiation into a community
·             Ritualized action

What are the differences?
·             Ideally happens once in Christianity/constant initiation in Rome
·             Rumors about early Christians –
o   Accused of incest, cannibalism
·             Use of familial languages

Baptism creates a community – but separates themselves from other communities

What are different ideas associated with baptism in early Christianity?
·             What ideas are associated with the individual?
·             What ideas are associated with the community?

Names for baptized Christians
·             Athlete
·             Soldier
·             Fish
o   Important imagery
·             Lamb
o   Jesus as a good shepherd
o   (priests often talked about as shepherd of the cross)
·             Citimen

·             Jesus as a shepherd
o   In this depiction – no beard, no halo
§  Appears like a typical roman man
·             Comb
·             Fish
·             Noah
·             (quality depends on the money you have to spend on it)
·             associated with baptism, but also just Christian

What are the functions of baptism in early Christianity? What does it do for or even to people? Individually and community?
·             Reversing of original sin
·             Not being able to come back
·             Social isolation from past – biological
·             Are there any risks associated with baptism?

What is the connection between Baptism and death?
·             Romans 6 – Paul
o   Baptized into Christ’s death
·             Baptistery  
o   Image – cross shaped baptistery
·             Physically experiencing being buried by water
·             Three steps into the baptistery – Jesus took three days to rise
·             Into and out of the grave in death
·             Baptistery
o   Whole building
·             Ceiling
o   Image – kyro – sign of Christ
o   Image of woman at well – drawing water
o   Jesus gives living water that makes you never thirst again
o   Water alludes to baptism
·             Ceiling #2
o   Martyrdom
§  Wreathes
§  Baptized in blood
§  Physically dead – spiritually alive
§  Entering a cosmic community when baptized
·             Image of Jesus raising Lazarus

o   Called out of the tomb by Christ

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