Saturday, February 20, 2016

Notes 2/18 (Sorry for the delay)

Christianity as a Missionizing Movement (2/18)

New Terms:
  • gospel: text “good news”; In early times it referred to good news by the emperor
  • Gospel: describe the Christian message
  • Missionizing: spreading the good news 
  • Evangelize: spreading the good news, gospel
    • Christianity is distinct from Judaism by evangelizing the good news and converting people 

The Great Commission 
  • Baptizing is how you become Christian 
  • Matthew 28—justification for missionizing 

Major Dates
  • 1st Century: Christianity spreads to India
  • 5th Century: Patrick in Ireland
    • Taken by pirates from Britain to Ireland as a teen but eventually escapes and returns home 
    • Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire
    • Patrick had a vision to go back to Ireland and bring the message of Christianity 
    • Returns to Ireland as a cleric
    • First bishop of Armagh
    • Not the first Christian missionary to Ireland, but probably the most famous/popular
    • Patrick is one of three patron saints of Ireland: protect the city before God
  • 563: Columba est. monastery on Iona 
    • Intended to train people to be missionaries 
    • Another patron saint of Ireland 
    • Brigit is third patron saint 
  • 716: Bonifice missionizes Germanic tribes—eventually made archbishops over what is now Germany and baptized thousands 
    • Known for baptizing thousands of people
    • Known for spreading Christianity to Germany 
  • 781: Nestorian Christians have been present in Xi’an China for 150 years (spread along the spice route from Europe to China)
    • Nestorians believe that Christ has a dual nature (Jesus as human and Christ as spirit)
    • A stele in Chinese and Syriac documenting the history of Christianity in this community. Describes it as the “illustrious religion”
    • Evidence of Christianity as early as 7th century 
    • Steles are found in both Chinese and Syriac to symbolize a blending of cultures 
    • Christ is represented in a cross-cultural context
  • 10th Century: Christianity spreads into Poland, Russia, and missionaries from Norway begin working in Iceland 
  • 14th Century: Franciscan and Dominican missionaries go to India, China, Java, Borneo
  • 1382: Bible is translated into English by Joh Wycliff
    • The movement he is associated with, the Lollards (critiquing the clergy but do not choose to leave the church), is often thought of as a precursor to the Reformation
    • Declared a heretic after his death 
  • 15th Century: “Conversion: of Jews and Muslims in Italy and Spain 
    • Issue becomes whether or not they were forced into conversion 
    • Some move to places where they can practice Judaism and Islam in private 
  • 1496 First Christian baptized in America
  • 1504 Francis Xavier, a Jesuit, lands in Goa, India
  • 16th Century: Missionizing of much of Central and southern North America and Japan, where there is resistance 
  • 17th-20th Centuries: Global missionizing with an emphasis on translating the NT into every language 
  • Columbus being an explorer made us glorify him as a hero 
  • Justifies himself 
  • Describes the people as controllable people—he wants to make them slaves, both of God and of himself 
  • Ignorant about their culture and religion 
  • Speaks of the explosion of Muslims and Jews from Spain (Reconquista) by Christians and 
  • Christianizing of the world—his voyage is a continuation of the Reconquista. 
  • He talks about controlling the people and acquiring treasure, but it is also a mission trip to spread Christianity to people who “need God”

Francis Xavier 
  • Assessment of people of India is negative and different of Columbus’s assessment
  • Went on mission for the Portuguese and says that he is glad that he did not go for Indians
  • Opinion is that people are barbaric 
  • Instrumental in starting missionary movements throughout the Southeast 
  • Ironic the way he perceives the people and then is critical in spreading the gospel to them
  • Different letters have different attitudes depending on the people and the outcome of his mission. 
  • More success in Japan = positive 
  • Less success in India = negative 

Arroyo’s Reading 
  • Complexity of conversions
  • Some people convert by force while others evangelize and encourage conversion 
  • Similarly, people can accept or reject the conversion 
  • Different ways to understand the stories of conversion 
  • Conversion creates a lot of cultural conflict 

Mar Thoma Church 

  • Traces itself back to St.Thomas int he first century 
  • St. Thomas is said to have traveled to India and taught of Jesus
  • Present when the Portuguese arrive in India, but forced to follow the Roman church 
  • But eventually they declare their independence and associate themselves with the Syrian Orthodox tradition 
  • Earliest Christian Church in India 

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