Saturday, February 6, 2016

Insights on "The 'Conversion' of Constantine"

The conversion of Constantine marks a crucial point in the progression of Christianity's success and influence. Constantine decided to follow the faith of previous emperors who believed in one God rather than multiple gods. As a result, he did what all Christians are called to do, which is to pray to God for guidance, strength, and assistance in the midst of daily struggles. After Constantine asked God for a promising fate in battle, he witnessed an incredible miracle: a cross made from light in the sky that included the inscription "Conquer by this". Of course, not all non-Christians will experience this marvelous occurrence, but this story reveals the important message that choosing to follow God is rewarding and the sole path to salvation. At the sight of this extraordinary sign, Constantine converted to Christianity since the miracle confirmed that God is real, loving, and merciful. Even though this sign was enough to validate Constantine's belief in God, he saw the same vision in his dreams that night, and this time, he was instructed to use the sign to defend himself and ward off enemies in battle. Constantine's direct prayers were answered, and God also gave this emperor the opportunity to utilize his power for religious purposes. God wanted Constantine to succeed in this fight because He had a plan for Constantine to use his prominence to spread Christianity and make it the official religion of the empire. Without Constantine's conversion, Christianity would have either taken longer to spread or would not be as prevalent as it is today. God had trust in Constantine to spark Christianity, and Constantine likewise had trust in God that He would save and protect him. This mutual exchange of faith that happened as a result of prayer is representative of the relationship Christians should have with God. Constantine serves as a noteworthy example for all Christians struggling to maintain a life devoted to conversation with God and one that aligns with His plan. All Christians should remember Constantine's story in order to live faithful, holy, and successful lives and to familiarize themselves with the history of their religion.


  1. Lilly, I really enjoyed your insight to this article, as it is both succinct and inspiring. While reading both your insights, as well as the article itself, I couldn't help but think of how important this conversion of Constantine was to the success and spread of Christianity. The deliberations of the figureheads of the Roman Empire were undoubtedly crucial in the weight of Christian belief sets. This inspiring conversion is, I agree with you, a story that perpetuates the value of living faithfully; however, many historians argue concerning the actualized faith of Constantine. National Geographic's "Constantine the Great Rules" questions the true piety of Constantine and suggests that the emperor may have simply used this inspiring faith story to his political benefit. Do you think that political gain could have been a factor in the depth of this conversion tale? I loved your stance concerning a faith story, however, do you think politics were completely set aside in this case?

  2. Julia, This is a good question. In class we'll actually talk about this as the "so-called" conversion of Constantine. We don't really know what Constantine was thinking and, honestly, he wasn't baptized until he was on his death bed. Also, with his conversion he didn't not allow other religions. In other words, there are a lot of things that point to the fact that Eusebius is putting a pretty positive spin on Constantine's story. However, again, we don't know what was going on with Constantine internally.

  3. Julia, This is a good question. In class we'll actually talk about this as the "so-called" conversion of Constantine. We don't really know what Constantine was thinking and, honestly, he wasn't baptized until he was on his death bed. Also, with his conversion he didn't not allow other religions. In other words, there are a lot of things that point to the fact that Eusebius is putting a pretty positive spin on Constantine's story. However, again, we don't know what was going on with Constantine internally.
