Thursday, February 18, 2016

Notes February 16, 2016

Notes 2/16/16

·       Secular clergy preach to lay people.
·       Regular clergy typically do not deal with lay people and focus on work and prayer.
·       Mendicants drive a wedge between the Secular and Regular clergy
o   Franciscans
§  Wear scratchy cloth called a “tau” that is shaped like a cross
o   Dominicans
·       Lay monastic movement
o   Lay people join for religious convictions and because it provides other options (i.e. not getting married at 14, reading, writing, other practices they would not have the opportunity to do outside of joining)
o   Reform movement
·       Investiture Controversy
o   Takes place in the 11th and 12th centuries
o   Who has the authority to appoint bishops, the emperor or the pope?
o   Pope Gregory VII solves this issue
§  Some of his ideas lead to the concept of papal infallibility (the pope is never wrong)
o   Dictatus papae: Pope may depose emperors and the Roman church has never erred, nor will it
o   Compulsory celibacy of the clergy
§  Priests are seen as married to the church
§  If priests have families, they may give the land to their family and children before the church when they die
o   He was against simony (i.e. selling of church offices)
o   Concordant of Worms (Worms is a place)
§  1222
§  Bishops and abbots should be chosen by clergy
§  Invested with secular and spiritual power
·       Medieval Critiques of the Papacy
o   Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)
§  Benedictine abbess
§  She does basically everything: visionary, scientist, author, composer, liturgist, artist, preacher
§  Moves her nuns from Disibodenberg to Rupertsberg so they could live in poverty
§  Scivias is a book that recounts Hildegard’s visions
·       Hildegard’s Visions
o   Vision of a woman with people running in and out of the holes in the woman’s womb
§  Symbolizes the Church and Mary
o   The Church is the bride of Christ; reference to baptism (spirit and water)
o   Calling the Church to reform because God is telling her to through these visions
o   Devilish arts (magic/witchcraft) should not mar the church
·       The Protestant Reformation
o   Begins with Martin Luther
o   Augustine monk & doctor of Theology at Wittenberg
o   Prolific author and theologian
o   Sola Scriptura- “by scripture alone” means all decisions should be made based off of scriptures
o   Justification by faith alone
§  We are made perfect and we must have faith in God who created us
o   Priesthood of believers
o   Excommunicated in 1520
o   Translates the New Testament into German (vernacular)
o   Wanted to leave out some books (such as Revelation) because they do not talk about Christ
o   Luther often incorporated his humor into his work (scatological type of humor)
o   Saved by faith despite talking about crap and other such things- we don’t need to be so pure we just need to have faith
·       95 Theses
o   1517 written in Latin
o   Nails it to the door of the church in Wittenberg
o   The pope should not be able to make you feel guilty
o   Speaks out against indulgences (indulgences were used to pay for new churches and other church activities
§  Indulgence- a payment to the church to be forgiven for a sin
·       Luther’s Letter to the Archbishop of Mainz 1517
o   Super sarcastic (jerk)
o   Calls out the church’s hierarchy
o   Calls out indulgences because he thinks people cannot truly be saved through buying indulgences
o   Calls for reform from the church
o   Wants to draw attention to the issues and himself
o   Mocks the archbishop directly
o   The church talks about indulgences more than they talk about doing works of charity, kindness, piety, love, and preaching the Gospel
o   Indulgences were a major issue for Luther
·       We’ll come back to Calvin next class
·       Spread of the Reformation
o   German Peasants’ War
§  Fomented by reformers (in part) including Thomas Muntzer
§  Reformation ideas led to peasant unrest
o   Different levels of Reformation ideas
§  These ideas vary across social classes because it challenges the social structure
§  Urban elite, artisans, and peasants
o   Some scholars say Catholics were fighting against magic by reforming and calling magic witchcraft
§  Associated magic with the devil
o   Other scholars argue that the Reformation combatted magic
o   Religion helps people deal with existential anxieties
§  M scholar says it was primarily the Catholic church that provided relief for these anxieties
§  Ozment says the Reformation itself provided relief
·       Counter Reformation (Catholic Reformation)
o   Explicit attempt to undermine the Reformation
o   Council of Trent (1545-1563)
§  Called by Pope Paul III
§  Reaffirms church values and confession of sins to be saved
§  Baroque art
·       Bernini

·       Sorry I forgot to post these right after class!

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