Friday, February 5, 2016

Impact of Religious and Cultural Changes on American Politics

             Dr. Robert P. Jones is the CEO of the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI). His company polls Americans in order to gather data about religious views. His presentation painted a picture of the current religous and cultural landscape in America using data his company has collected. He used data to explain how Americans' religious views have changed over time since the 1970s. One of the most intriguing facts presented was about the decline of white Christians. 7/10 white seniors identify as Christians as opposed to only 3/10 young adults. This shows a shift away from religion, especially among millenials. The shift away from relgion greatly impacts politics because religion usuaully dictates voting patterns. Jones's presentation relates to Christian Traditions because it highlights the powerful influence religion has in the US. Religious views are constantly changing and evolving between generations. As these views change, US politics change with it.


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