Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Notes from 2/9

Notes 2/9

·      Marcionism
o   Heresy that Jewish and Christian gods are different
·      The Trinity is not equal to the Puppy Monkey Baby
o   Puppymonkeybaby is three things mushed together
o   For the orthodox, the trinity was not a mishmash
§  orthodox- right belief
·      what the councils in 3rd and 4th century thought was right
·      heresy- opposed those beliefs, incorrect teachings
o   What is the trinity not? These beliefs were considered heresy.
§  Some parts were not subordinate to other parts
§  Not monarchianism-adoptionism
·      That Jesus was not always divine. God chose Jesus (at His baptism) to do His work.
§  Modalism
·      God the Father is the monarch and changes person.
·      He rotates between the three persons of God
§  Arianism (c318 CE)
·      God the Father predates Jesus
§  Nestorianism (5th century CE)
·      Christ’s divinity versus humanity are separate
o   Council of Nicea (325 CE)
§  Place in Turkey near Constantinople
§  Constantine, the emperor, calls the council of bishops
§  No separation of church and state at that point
·      But still odd because Constantine seems invested with solving an issue between bishops or does he just want to consolidate power?
§  What is the relationship between God and Christ?
§  Response to the Arians
·      Arius has a lot of money and influence
·      Arius says that there is a time when Christ did not exist
·      Orthodox view is the Jesus was always present
o   Says so in their scripture
o   John 1:1-4, 14
§  Differentiates Word and God
§  Word=Logos=thought, argument, idea
§  Logos is manifest in Jesus
§  God creates through Jesus
§  Christ is bigger than Jesus because Christ has been present for forever and will continue to exist, but Jesus was just the flesh manifestation
o   Comes out of Hellenistic Jewish tradition
§  A word that God speaks that brings about creation
§  Genesis 1:1-6
§  Creating through speaking
·      Arians argument implies that God and Christ are not of the same substance
§  Bishops assert that God and Christ are homousios (consubstantial)
§  Creed of Nicea
·      Emphasis that Christ is begotten and not made
·      God didn’t create Jesus
·      Foundation of belief- what everyone believes to in the 4th century
·      Language of creed and canon changes over time
o   Make more contemporary? Change doctrine?
o   When you translate anything, meanings change
·      At this point everyone is orthodox
·      Holy Spirit is just tacked on. Not much said about it.
o   After the Council of Nicea: what does homousias mean?
§  Arians say God and Christ can’t be exactly the same!
·      Homoiousios- similar stuff
§  Once a creed is set, people continue to talk and debate and disagree
§  Cappadocian Fathers
·      Greek trained philosophers
·      Homousias means God and Christ have one substance, but three different manifestations (called hypostasis)
§  This matters because how you imagine this relationship indicates how humans are saved through Christ
·      Bigger meaning
§  Cyril- from Egypt
·      Augustine- Carthage
o   Early Christianity is not just Europe!
·      How the trinity and incarnation are salvation
o   Incarnation- in the flesh
·      On the Unity of Christ
·      The incarnation changes the nature of human flesh
·      Adam sinned (and rejected the divine) and then the flesh of humans became corrupted (why we suffer)
·      Jesus is put into corrupted human flesh and does not sin, so He saves humanity and redeems flesh
·      About God’s mercy and graciousness
§  If Christ is not fully divine and fully human, then the salvation doesn’t work.
§  Avoiding the idea that God chooses one person to simply sacrifice.
§  Christ’s death on the cross is important because God is identifying with suffering
§  First Adam- things didn’t go right
§  Second Adam (Jesus)- fixing what humans messed up
·      He is divine, so He can’t mess it up
·      He is made up of different substance than the corrupted humans
§  We can never fully understand the trinity
·      Mystery
·      The point of faith- we can’t do it on our own, we need God to help us understand
o   Council of Chalcedon
§  Affirmation that Christ is fully human and fully divine
§  Definition of Chalcedon
§  Thoetokos- God-bearer
·      Mary gives birth after bearing God
·      Christ is fully human and fully divine, throughout His development in the womb
§  An elaboration/clarification of Nicea
o   Council of Jerusalem
§  1st century CE
§  Recounted in Acts 15 and Galatians 1&2
§  Can Gentiles be Christians? Or do you have to covert to Judaism to become Christian?
·      Circumcision, laws of Moses
§  Acts:
·      Paul and Barnabus: Gentiles don’t have to convert
·      Peter is claiming that he is the one who is supposed to go to the Gentiles
·      It is okay for Gentiles to come as they are and not convert
·      Paul goes right away to Jerusalem
§  Galatians:
·      People are telling Galatians that they need to be circumcised
·      Paul is pissed off
·      Paul waits 14 years to go to Jerusalem
·      Claims one person goes to the circumcised and another person is the one for the gentiles
o   Paul is claiming authenticity and that his is the right message for the Gospel
·      Stay as you are
·      Contradicts Acts
·      Calling Peter a hypocrite
·      Faith over actions
§  Diversity and difference within the canon
·      Make decisions, don’t let it get too far out of control
·      Idea of the canon includes the idea that there will be other teachings against which they judge
·      4 gospels- different perspectives on life of Jesus

o   they didn’t canonize the harmony

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