Tuesday, May 10, 2016

May 10 Class Notes--- Christianity in a Digital Age

Church in the Digital Age

84% of Adults in the US use the Internet
-       There are some use differences based upon class, race, age, education level. But gaps is narrowing in the case of race
-       Gender parity is the norm in internet usage
-       Today 2/3 (64%) of adults in the US have a smartphone. This is up form 11% in 2011
A little historical context
-       The Christina church has often been shaped by the adoption of new media
o   Dominican public preaching (13th century) – altering the power of the clergy
o   Printing Press (1440)- Protestant Reformation (1517)
§  Sola scriptura “by scripture alone”
o   Radio (early 20th cent) – evangelical Christianity
o   Television (mid-late 20th century) – evangelical Christianity
Billy Graham- The New Media Pioneer
-       Born 1918
-       Ordained Southern Baptist
-       1947: Starts his “crusades”
o   Over 400 in his lifetime
o   185 countries
o   6 continents
o   Many televised
-       1949: Raises o media prominence as an evangelist with circus tent revivals in LA
-       1950-54: Hour of Decision Radio show
-       1951: Stars World Wide Pictures
o   Over 130 Christian Films
-       1956 Starts a magazine, Christianity Today
-       2012: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association shifts its focus to online evangelism. In 2014 BEGA reached 7.5 million through their websites.
-       An audience of 2.2 billion people worldwide over his lifetime
Vatican II: Making a Way for Online Religion
-       1962-65
-       Sought to articulate the relationship between the Catholic Church and the modern world
-       One of the most notable changes from Latin to the vernacular
-       Celebration of Mass facing the congregation
-       More acceptances of modern styles of music, art, ect.
-       Emphasis on the importance of knowing Scripture. 
Religion Online v. Online Religion
-       Providing information about religion v opportunity to participate in religious activity
-       Reference to offline activities v religious activities that take place online
Religion and Social Media
-       According to a 2014 Pew Survey on Religion and social media
o   One in five individuals share their faith on social media every week
o   Nearly half of American adults see someone share their faith online every week
Does all this mean that people aren’t going to church
-       Online religion does not mean a decline in participation in face to race religion
So, who is using this stuff?
-White evangelical s and black Protestants are more likely than other groups o engage in some form of electronic religious activity.

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