Thursday, May 12, 2016

Churches and Technology

I thought that our recent discussion in class about churches and technology was fascinating. Christians have taken advantage of new technologies for centuries to further their mission, but some churches take it to a whole new level.

So many churches around the country have their own apps to download now, which feature things like videos of sermons, more information, mission statements and even a page to give offering. I was looking around on a website of a megachurch back home, and found that you can even "text to give" instead of putting a few dollars in the offering plate when it comes around. I thought that in particular was really interesting, since offering has always been so engrained into the Christian worship service for most denominations. If everybody is texting to give and watching the sermon on their phone, do churches still really have to exist or are they on their way to becoming entirely online?

So many other things in life that are supposed to be based on relationships and face to face contact now happen online. Online dating, online classes -- they are both things that people thought necessitated someone to be there in person, but both programs have enjoyed great online success. Are churches headed that way too? In a society that has already lost interpersonal skills, face to face conversation and attention span, could an online church be the perfect answer for everybody who is already glued to their phone and computer 24/7? It's interesting and a little terrifying to think about where this all might lead in another decade or two.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that it is a little terrifying to think about where this online church thing may be going. I also find it interesting that people can find such community from a computer screen or website. Personally, being at my actual church location, being able to talk to the rest of the congregation and the pastor after the service, and also just the act of actually sitting together is of great importance to me.
    When thinking about this topic, I also ponder how this may stray from the original form of church, but then again... we live in a changing world. I guess the question is, should everything change with such extremes, or should some things, like church, stay true to tradition?
