Thursday, January 28, 2016

Welcome to the Course Blog!

Posting and interacting on the course blog is considered part of your participation in this course. Please remember that it is an extension of the classroom and the expectations for class conduct are applicable here as well.  Just to remind you of how this blog contributes to your participation grade, here is the info from the syllabus:

Course Blog:  Students are encouraged to participate in thoughtful discussions about course material and about issues raised in class discussions outside of the classroom.  As a way of facilitating this, we will have a course blog. Thoughtful posting on the blog will be part of the student’s participation grade.  Students can earn participation points by:

  • Taking and posting class notes. This is worth 5 points, but the student can only complete this two times over the semester.
  • Post on the blog and/ or respond to posts. Students may post questions related to class material, examples of Christian traditions in popular culture or from the past, and offer insights into reading. Posts will be assigned between up to 4 points, depending upon relevance, thoughtfulness, and detail.
  • Attend events. Students may earn participation points for this class by attending academic and cultural events related to Christian traditions (not a worship service or church) and post on the blog a thoughtful paragraph about how the event related to course material. This will be worth 2 points and a student may do this two times, once before midterm and once after midterm, over the course of the semester.
  •  Review a movie:  On the class Moodle site is list of movies depicting Christian traditions. Watching and reviewing any of these films on the blog may count toward participation. This will be worth up to 4 points and can be done once before midterm and once after midterm. (This does not include required films.)